All Pets Want for Christmas Blog Hop: Shadow’s Wish List

December 8, 2012

For this fun event hosted by David Brown and Vickie Johnstone it was hard to choose an animal for several reasons: I have a lot of animals and I love a lot of animals (including some people hate).

At first I decided to be different and write about the needs of snakes, but their wish list isn’t very big–neither are fish or honeybees.

So I decided to write invite my Belgian Malinois, Shadow, and get this from his point of view. I’ll probably be the one taking comments since he normally doesn’t take to strangers well.

Shadow’s Wish List

Hi, my name is Shadow. I’m not usually fond of strangers, but today I suppose I’ll make an exception–at least for a minute–Mom  will take your comments for me–like she said. I normally like to bark or growl at strangers, and I just dare them to pet me!

My owners are basically my parents. I am still thankful for the day I hitched a ride with my father, and he brought me home. I was alone and hungry on a desolate dirt road–I was just a juvie. My life has been different ever since.

One thing is that as long as I am with them I’m content, but that doesn’t mean I have wants, too!

Take me riding: I’ll ride anything–boat, tractor, car, truck,  mule (the UTV not the animal–I don’t like them). If it has a motor and it moves and mom and dad or either one is on it–I’m hopping on! I’ll go anywhere with them as long as they say the magic words: “Load up!” When we go boat riding though I have to remember not to go after the fishing lures when mom and dad cast them. I also want to lick the fish, but they won’t let me!

My favorite is the big green John Deere tractor at ‘Uncle Johnny’s’. He’s not really my Dad’s uncle, but that’s what they call him, so I’ll do the same, I guess.

Gimme human food: Alpo is boring! People have such tasty and all sort of neat and scrumptious foods! I’ll pass on the raw potatoes and cold grits thanks! My favorite of all is french fries!

Stuff to chase: I’ll chase anything if it runs! Coyotes, deer, armadillos, birds–you name it, I’ll chase it. I think my favorite is squirrels. We have a lot of them around the house. I’ve been known to chase a few trespassers into their car a few times! That was before Mom would hold onto my collar that is. I’m not one of those dummies that likes to chase cars unless Dad is coming home!

Oh, I also love to bark at and chase snakes. Mom and dad are kind of funny about that though. They’re scared that I’ll get bitten by one of those rattlesnakes or copperheads. I can’t tell the difference–maybe that’s why, and I think they said they could hurt me real bad or kill me or something. If it has no legs and moves, I’m going to bark at it and chase it!

Chewies: Give me my Bony-bones (rawhide bones)! I like just about any dog treat out there. There isn’t anything I don’t like. I even like to chew on sticks, rocks, and pine cones. I have gotten in trouble a lot for going through the garbage while mom and dad were gone. They won’t take me with them to the grocery store or a few places. What do they mean they won’t allow pets?! Ugh! I guess too many strangers–grrrr!

Oh, I almost forgot! I love to chew on bones and deer antlers that mom and dad find while walking in the woods at home, the club, or Uncle Johnny’s house! I don’t even mind chewing on the ones the squirrels had been chewing on first 😉

Toys: I looove toys! I can make my own. Dad brings home bunches of tennis balls from work. I don’t know where he gets them all. I don’t care as long as I have them! Not only do I chew on sticks and rocks I play with them. I have been known to play with apples, persimmons, plums and other stuff before deciding to eat them!

Something to hike my leg on: I’m a boy dog so I like to pee on things. No really, I do! Bushes and tires are my favorites! I haven’t peed on anyone’s feet yet–I may do it sometime, but I might get in trouble for that. It would be nice to have my own tire, but I’ll still use the car and truck tires…

A snow day: I looove snow! I eat it and play with mom and dad in it. Something about cold weather gets me excited! I hate hot weather! It wears me out! My brindle coat doesn’t help  in hot weather, but for cold! Bring it on! It doesn’t snow enough here though :(.

That’s all I can think of at the moment. Mom will take your comments for me–you’re already overstaying your welcome  as far as I’m concerned. I’m going to lay down beside her.

Any comments or questions for Shadow? Didn’t he do good? I may need to give him a Bony-bone AND a Puparoni for being so GOOD and not barking, growling, or biting anyone!

AK Taylor

About the Author

AK Taylor

AK Taylor is an award winning YA author who has been writing novels since age 16. Beekeeper, outdoor sportsman, avid adventurer, and animal lover. Taylor lives in the backwoods of Middle GA where she continues to write stories.

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  • Great post, Shadow. Thank you to both you and your mom for taking part in this hop.

    I like the sound of where you live with the backwoods and everything. I wish I lived in the countryside in the UK then I wouldn’t have to worry about any of our cats getting out.

    I have six of them, you know, and they’re all disobedient!

  • A.L. Jambor says:

    You forgot to mention what a talented writer Shadow is. He’s gorgeous. He looks like a dog I had named Sweetpea. I wrote about her on my blog. New follower on Google +
    Java With Jambor

  • Woods are awesome! I love woods, though I do not get to go out and observe the evil squirrels for possible holes in their tactical wall. But I get to watch from my window. The female hooooman calls it Kitty TV. well at least it makes less noise while royalty is trying to sleep!

    He looks like me, he must be a distant dog cousin (oh dear… are dogs rubbing off on me?)

  • AK Taylor says:

    Hi Asrielle! Nice that you stopped by! Nothing wrong with dogs rubbing off on you 😉

  • Oh, I love the working breeds, I know a number of splendid Malinois, and I’m such a sucker for brindles. You had me at hello, Shadow!

    It’s good that your parents recognize that Mals can be gung-ho about so much and yet still a bit sensitive about strange people and unfamiliar things! It’s not fun to be worried, though, as you know. If your mum has a free moment, you might ask her to stop by my and get more ideas; it sounds like you’re on a good start to being more confident and social, especially since you had such a scary start to life, and it’s a good trend to continue!

    Enjoy your antlers (you’re smart to prefer such a healthy chew!) and I hope you get some great snow to play in for Christmas!

  • AK Taylor says:

    Thank you Laura! You have no idea about gung-ho ;). Shadow sends his thanks!

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